Radiological Protection of People and the Environment in the Event of a Large Nuclear Accident

Draft document: Radiological Protection of People and the Environment in the Event of a Large Nuclear Accident
Submitted by Yoshinori Ueno, None
Commenting as an individual





(80)項に「委員会は、緊急時対応中に受けた被ばく量に加えて、復旧プロセスの最初の数年間の年間被ばく量が10mSv程度であると、一部の被災者では比較的短期間に総被ばく量が100mSvを超える可能性があると考えている。したがって、そのような被ばくが数年間継続する可能性があると推定される場合、年間10mSvを超える参考レベルを選択することは推奨されない」と書かれているが、空間線量が20mSvを下回れば避難指示を解除し、住民を帰還させようとしている日本政府の政策はまさにその例に該当すると思うが、日本政府の帰還政策に対する批判的なコメントがどこにも書かれていないのはどういうことか? ICRPに、公衆を本気で被ばくから守ろうという気があるとは思えない。




              日本国 京都府宇治市 上野益徳




The aim of both the 2007 recommendation and new draft seems to be to avoid establishing the Chernobyl evacuation system as the world model, and instead to encourage citizens to stay in contaminated areas and be exposed to radiation, while attempts are made to gradually reduce pollution and exposure. The reference levels for emergency response and the process of recovery are based on this idea.


According to Paragraph 80, 'TheCommission considers that annual exposures of 836the order of 10 mSv during the first years of the recovery process,added to exposure received 837during the emergency response, could lead to total exposures greater than 100 mSv in a 838relatively short period of time for someaffected people. Therefore, it is not recommended to select reference levels beyond 10 mSv per year when it is estimated that such exposures could continue for several years, which may be the case once the recovery phase starts.’ However the draft doesn’t include any comments critical of the Japanese government's policy of encouraging evacuees to return to contaminated areas: this is an example of lifting evacuation orders and encouraging people to return to affected areas if the air dose becomes less than 20mSv. I cannot think that the ICRP intends to protect the public.


AdditionB says 'Childhood thyroid cancer cases found in Fukushima Prefecture are unlikely to be the result of radiation exposure after the accident.’ This is given as a conclusion without revealing the actual numbers of paediatric thyroid cancer.  This is written in line with the Japanese government and pro-nuclear side, which want the negative impact of the nuclear accident to appear smaller, therefore it is completely unreliable. This ICRP recommendation cannot be accepted as a standard for protecting the public from radiation.


                                        Uji City, kyoto Prefecture, Japan     Yoshinori Ueno


